Great opportunity for rebates on recycling equipment offered through the NSW EPA


Australian businesses generate an average of 1.7 tonnes of waste per employee yet only recycle half that amount. Now, businesses that want to reduce their waste costs can apply for a rebate for up to half the value of small scale recycling equipment such as compressors, organics processors, shredders, grinders and dehydrators, worth between $4,000 and $50,000.

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Supported by the Environmental Trust as part of the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, which is funded from the state waste levy, this government incentive is a great way to encourage businesses to minimise waste and recover resources.

“It’s great to see that NSW EPA is committed to helping businesses manage their waste more effectively and reduce the cost burden for waste management,” said Shaun Scallan, Recycling Programs Manager Planet Ark.
According to the media release issued by the Australian not-for-profit organisation Planet Ark Environmental Foundation, businesses that want to apply for a rebate, must undertake a free BinTrim audit.

The rebates apply until 2016.

Planet Ark’s is an online directory and hotline created to help Australian businesses to find local recycling services for more than 90 different materials. The directory is supported by Foundation Partner, the NSW Environment Protection Authority, Major Partner, the Victorian Government, Promotion Partners Zero Waste South Australia and MobileMuster, the Australian mobile phone industry’s official product stewardship program.

For more information about the BinTrim program, please go to

For more information about the wide range of machinery, browse through The Recycling Equipment Catalogue available at

New suppliers of recycling equipment can register at