Astra Aerolab reaches construction milestone


NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro has announced that stage 1 civil infrastructure works at the Astra Aerolab precinct are now complete thanks to $11.7 million from the State Government’s Growing Local Economies fund.

Astra Aerolab is a globally significant Defence and Aerospace precinct being developed on 76 hectares of prime land in Port Stephens. Once complete, it will become the pre-eminent space for innovation in aviation, defence and aerospace-related manufacturing, maintenance, research and education, creating upwards of 4,300 high-skilled jobs.

Mr Barilaro said the completion of the essential infrastructure – including an access road, power, water, gas, sewer and data connections – will kick-start the site’s development, driving innovation and collaboration in the Hunter and benefitting the local community through the creation of thousands of jobs.

“I turned the first sod on this project 18 months ago, and this site has already been transformed to pave the way for a world-leading defence and aerospace technology park,” Mr Barilaro said.

“This will allow aviation companies to establish themselves at this new location, as well as create jobs for aerospace engineers, aviation, IT and avionics specialists and attract workers to the Hunter.

“I want to thank Newcastle Airport, the City of Newcastle and Port Stephens Council for their hard work and commitment to making this project a reality.”

Newcastle Airport CEO Dr Peter Cocks said stage one ‘unlocks four initial development sites totaling 7.4 hectares’ and allows for the ‘expansion of the existing BAE Systems site’.

“Astra Aerolab is a place where world leading defence, research, aerospace and industry partners will converge to push boundaries, embrace new technologies and develop the jobs for the future,” Dr Cock continued.

“It will be a truly inspiring environment for both businesses and their employees; we are determined it will become a place that connects a global workforce with the RAAF Base Williamtown and Newcastle Airport, and a place where people will want to work.

“Today is certainly a very proud moment for Newcastle Airport and more broadly for our region. We have taken a great idea and were supported by a forward-looking government committed to developing regional NSW.

“I thank the NSW Government for partnering with us to jointly fund the first stage of the development and now doubling down on that investment by declaring this area as a Special Activation Precinct, with Astra at its heart,” he concluded.

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