New quantum tech investment reinforces Victoria’s position as leader

Image credit: Breakthrough Victoria

The Victoria State Government’s status as a worldwide player in the quantum technologies sector continues to grow with the Andrews Labor Government’s $8 million investment in Quantum Brilliance through the state’s investment arm Breakthrough Victoria.

The investment in the quantum computing firm, according to the government, will support the expansion of Quantum Brilliance’s Melbourne operations and its extensive research collaborations with numerous Victorian universities.

It will also strengthen the base fabrication and advanced manufacturing plans in Victoria as the company grows.

Additionally, Victoria was cited by the state as a global pioneer in this game-changing technology since quantum technology is highly adapted for usage in practical contexts like medical imaging, satellite technology, and robotics.

In particular, quantum computing is a technology that allows problems too complex for normal computers to be solved. 

The Victorian government stated that this type of technology frequently demands a fixed setup in below-freezing weather, making it challenging for the technology to become portable.

To date, this is Breakthrough Victoria’s second investment into the sector and its first in an Australian business.

“Quantum technologies have the potential to revolutionise industries that rely on computing power to solve complex problems and we’re investing to ensure world-leading research and advanced manufacturing happens right here,” noted Minister for Industry and Innovation Ben Carroll.

Meanwhile, Breakthrough Victoria CEO Grant Dooley said the investment arm aims to create the foundation for Victoria to participate globally in the quantum technology revolution by funding businesses like Quantum Brilliance and Infleqtion.

Founded by scientists at Australian National University in 2019, Quantum Brilliance has developed the world’s first portable quantum computer that operates at room temperature. 

The company uses the crystalline structure of diamonds as an insulator against noise and temperature, allowing for more advanced computing.