Veratin launches new products for fertiliser range Verigrow

Image credit: Verigrow

Veratin Limited, a company that manufactures products using upcycled waste wool, has unveiled two new products for its organic fertiliser range, Verigrow

Verigrow Pot is a biodegradable pot made of novel biodegradable material that acts as food as it decomposes, which can help plants get the nutrients they need as they are placed on the ground.  

The company also released its new Verigrow Supplement, which compliments its existing range of liquid fertiliser and soil improver products by acting as an all-purpose product containing a balanced blend of macro (except phosphorous), micronutrients, and trace elements. 

To make the Verigrow liquid fertiliser and soil improver range, Veratin leverages a green chemistry process by extracting amino acids from upcycled waste wool. 

The amino acids present in Verigrow reduce the need for high levels of phosphorous and potassium by some 25 to 30 per cent and use fewer nitrogen units than other organic fertilisers, reducing the product’s environmental footprint. 

“Amino acids are molecules used to make proteins for living beings, your body needs them to function, and they are usually obtained through consumption of food in humans. In plants, they are manufactured in an energy-intensive process utilising the nutrients available in the soil, carbon and oxygen from the air and hydrogen from the water as the base. Supplementing plants with amino acids save them energy which they can use for other purposes, which is why the development of the Verigrow biodegradable pot and supplements are so important,” said Dr Ramiz Boulos, founder and executive chairman of Veratin. 

“These products are the first of their kind to be made of amino acids extracted from upcycled waste wool, and the use of amnio acids to act as sources of growth reduce the need for high levels of fertilisers, reducing environmental damage. Verigrow Pot also helps the environment by reducing the need for plastic, which aligns with our environmentally conscious customers.”