Victoria’s largest gold mine set to undergo a massive expansion

Image Credit: Victoria State Government

The Victorian State Government is backing the expansion of the Fosterville Gold Mine in a move that is expected to create 30 new, ongoing full time jobs.

The project, which also envisions the construction of an on-site cement plant, will nearly double production at the Fosterville Gold Mine and make it one of the nation’s biggest gold producers.

In making the announcement, Minister for Resources Jaclyn Symes said the new cement infrastructure plant will also enable by-product rock to be re-inserted underground, reducing tailings and extending the life of the mine.

“Victoria’s wealth was built on gold mining and the industry remains integral to creating regional jobs,” the Minister said.

“We’re supporting success stories like Fosterville to keep producing and employing locals.”

Member for Bendigo East Jacinta Allan said the expansion will further boost what was already an internationally-renowned success story with some of the highest gold grades reported globally in recent years.

“Fosterville was named Australian Mining, Mine of the Year in 2018, and expansions like this only continue to spur on the phenomenal growth of an international success story that is so good for the Greater Bendigo community,” Ms Allan said.

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