$8m steel processing facility upgrade to create 160 jobs in Whyalla

Image credit: www.sa.gov.au

Engineering and construction company Ferretti International will carry out a $8 million upgrade to its steel processing centre in Whyalla in a move that will further enhance the Spencer Gulf as a manufacturing hub in South Australia.

The project will be supported with $2 million in funding from the SA Government’s Regional Growth Fund and $750,000 from the Federal Government’s Manufacturing Modernisation Fund.

Premier Steven Marshall, who announced the project in Whyalla earlier his week, said the new processing facility will be able to support Whyalla Steel Works with its transformation and allow steel to be processed in the Spencer Gulf city for the Australian market.

“Whyalla has a long and proud history of manufacturing in South Australia and this $8 million state-of-the-art steel processing facility will further cement its place on the national and international market,” said Premier Marshall.

“This project has the potential to transform Whyalla into an advanced manufacturing hub and secure up to 160 jobs in the process.

“The new facility will allow steel being processed in Whyalla to increase from 2,000 tonnes a year to 1,000 tonnes a month.”

Federal Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews said the project was a testament to ‘what can happen’ when governments work together to incentivise private businesses to invest.

“This speaks to the Morrison Government philosophy of a hand up, not a hand out – creating opportunity by backing industry to back itself,” said Minister Andrews.

“The Manufacturing Modernisation Fund is leveraging more than four times our Government’s investment – creating much needed jobs, including in our regional areas.”

Work on the project is expected to begin in the coming months and to complete within two years.

Image credit: www.sa.gov.au