Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility in NSW opens call for inaugural projects

Artist's impression of AMRF Stage 1. Image credit: Western Parkland City Authority

The first stage of the Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility (AMRF) is set to open its doors in mid-2024 in hopes of providing a platform for local and global manufacturing businesses, innovators, researchers, and technology providers, the Western Parkland City Authority announced on its website. 

The AMRF Stage 1 boasts access to cutting-edge technology, expertise, and equipment, positioning itself as a hub for developing smart manufacturing solutions. 

With a focus on improving productivity, quality, and cost efficiency, the facility aims to support businesses in scaling up, commercialising prototypes, upskilling staff, and fostering collaboration between industry and research partners.

Moreover, the AMRF Stage 1 is equipped with diverse manufacturing capabilities, including additive manufacturing, precision machining, composite manufacturing, automation, digitisation, and metrology. 

The WPCA said these areas are expected to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of manufacturing industries.

The AMRF is now extending an invitation for project proposals from potential customers and seeking general feedback on its customer proposition. 

Interested parties can participate by proposing projects for consideration in the early phase of AMRF operations or by providing valuable feedback on the facility’s offerings.

To provide insights into the AMRF’s vision and goals, an industry briefing was held in Penrith on 24 October 2023. 

The event aimed to facilitate a better understanding of the facility’s potential impact on manufacturing industries. 

For interested individuals who missed the briefing, a recording is available on the AMRF’s YouTube channel, along with FAQs on the Invitation for First Projects.

The AMRF also encourages interested parties to submit project proposals and provide feedback on its customer proposition. 

The submission period has been extended, and responses can be submitted electronically via email to by 28 November 2023, for the first projects.