AMLD3D Limited (ASX:AL3) confirmed today the purchase order for the delivery of marine-grade stainless steel impellers from Thyssenkrupp and Wilhelmsen.
The Australian metal AM startup said that the impellers are being manufactured to “demonstrate the advantages” of its flagship Wire Arc Manufacturing technology WAM® — a disruptive 3D printing process that best suits medium and large-scale components — over more traditional casting methods.
According to AMLD3D, the purchased manufacturing technology is slated to provide a “significant commercial opportunity,” for the company given the quality and scale of the purchase.
AMLD3D acquired the order from 3D-printing joint venture Thyssenkrupp and Wilhelmsem through a purchase valuing at SGD 33K, on usual purchase order terms.
On September 2020, maritime service and supply know-how Wilhemsen announced its collaboration with Thyssenkrupp, a Germany-based additive manufacturing firm.
The joint venture aims to galvanize the maritime supplies market by employing additive manufacturing, or 3D printing processes, thereby disrupting costly and time-consuming supply chain overheads.
That being said, the purchase AML3D steel impellers is part of the dyad’s larger goal to markedly improve the cost of maritime spare parts, lead times, and environmental footprint.