AML3D secures new 3D metal printed component contract

Image credit: AML3D

AML3D has inked a contract with Toolcraft Australia, valued at AUD 0.35 million, to supply a 6-part nozzle assembly for an Australian Government Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) project.

The agreement comes on the heels of AML3D’s successful delivery of a 4-stage nozzle assembly, showcasing the abilities of its Advanced Wire Additive Manufacturing (WAM) technology.

The technology not only delivered superior components but also boasted significantly shorter lead times compared to traditional manufacturing methods.

This latest contract broadens the scope of AML3D’s involvement in the DSTG project to include two additional stages of an Aluminium ER5183 nozzle assembly.

Anticipated to weigh approximately 1230kgs and stretch over 3.6 metres in length, the expanded project builds upon the confirmed operational excellence demonstrated by previously manufactured AML3D WAM 4-stage nozzle assembly components.

Manufacturing of the 6-part nozzle assembly is slated to commence immediately, with the first two stages expected to be delivered within the current financial year and the remaining four stages scheduled for FY25.

While AML3D continues to witness demand within the US defence sector, with contracts worth close to AUD 12 million delivered through its US ‘Scale up’ strategy in CY2023, venturing into additional significant defence markets remains a strategic priority.

AML3D CEO Sean Ebert expressed his satisfaction in collaborating with the DSTG.

He stated, “It is a strong endorsement of AML3D’s WAM technology for defence applications to have the scope of this A$0.35 million contract expanded to 2 additional nozzle segments that had previously been traditionally manufactured.”

Ebert further emphasised the importance of AML3D’s role in defence supply chains, citing the company’s ability to produce higher-quality components with faster turnaround times and reduced waste compared to traditional manufacturing methods.

“Alongside our extremely successful US ‘Scale up’ strategy, which has seen AML3D secure close to A$12 million in US Defence contracts in support of the US Navy’s submarine industrial base in 2023, we are also committed to developing our presence in additional globally significant defence markets,” he added.

Ebert also highlighted the company’s commitment to further developing its presence in globally significant defence markets, particularly in aerospace defence, which is identified as a key growth driver over the medium term.