Businesses in Victoria to share $60m in plastics recycling grants

Image credit: R_Yosha/

The Victorian government is urging local businesses to apply for the Federal Government’s $60 million Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) Plastics Technology Stream to support advanced and innovative technologies targeting hard-to-recycle plastics.

In particular, the Australian Government is set to invest $60 million nationally over four years to address critical gaps in the country’s recycling infrastructure.

The Plastics Technology stream aims to target plastics with very low recovery and recycling rates due to difficulties in recycling and limited infrastructure and technology solutions to support circularity in the supply chain.

On behalf of the governments of Victoria and Australia, Sustainability Victoria (SV) will deliver the RMF Plastics Technology stream. 

In order to help businesses obtain Australian Government financing, SV is in charge of managing a merit-based procedure to evaluate and suggest to the Australian Government funding for appropriate projects situated in Victoria.

SV will handle contracts and oversee all facets of the funding with industry partners when the Australian Government announces the success of Victorian initiatives. 

Applications must include a timeline and solid milestones, a clear, comprehensive budget and financial management strategy that includes co-contribution, as well as expected outcomes and benefits of the project and how it supports the goals of the RMF Plastics Technology stream and national priorities.

Additionally, SV provides an Application Review and Advisory Service to projects that help Victoria’s resource recovery industry grow. 

The government urges that applicants use SV’s support services before submitting their application to ensure that their project is investment ready and set up for success.

Grant applications will close on 4 September 2023.

Local businesses interested in applying for the Recycling Modernisation Fund Plastics Technology Stream program may visit the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s (DCCEEW) RMF Plastics Technology stream web page.