Move to More: Regional Australia Institute kickstarts nation’s biggest recruitment drive

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The Regional Australia Institute is launching the biggest recruitment drive ever in Australia’s history, with 91,000 well-paying job offers for workers in regional Australia. 

The initiative, dubbed “Move to More,” seeks to fulfil the demand for regional workers at a time when the number of jobs available in capital cities is sharply declining and job dissatisfaction is at an all-time high. 

As part of the recruitment drive, RAI established a coalition of industry bodies, large and small businesses, and local governments to showcase opportunities on offer in regional Australia. 

RAI CEO Liz Ritchie said Move to More aims to raise awareness about the opportunities that exist in regional Australia. 

“This year regional migration is up 17 per cent, and it’s continuing to grow as the economic downturn prompts Australians to search for a more affordable lifestyle,” said Ritchie. “With our coalition of dedicated partners, we’re embarking on Australia’s biggest ever regional recruitment drive to encourage Australians to consider a job in regional Australia. This would help build the skilled workforce needed to service our hospitals, schools and businesses that keep Australia moving.”

According to RAI, there is more than $1.7 billion in untapped wages in the country’s regions, with jobs available in some of the most idyllic locations Australia has to offer. Fulfilling the vacancies could provide regional Australia with an instant economic boost of more than $1.2 billion. 

In a recent study, RAI revealed that more than 1 million urban workers are dissatisfied with their jobs as salaries fail to keep up with the soaring cost of living in cities. 

Nearly half of all respondents in the study said a salary increase would persuade them to take a job in regional Australia, while two in five said they would be convinced to move to regional Australia if a financial incentive, such as a recruitment bonus or relocation payment, was involved. 

RAI partnered with employment marketplace SEEK to host a dedicated jobs page on the Move to More website, showcasing every regional opportunity on offer. 

For more information, job seekers may visit the Move to More website at: