Naval Group unveils next-gen lithium-ion batteries system for subs


Naval Group, the main contractor on Australia’s Future Submarine Program, has developed a high performing and highly secure Li-ion batteries system (LIBRT) for submarines that will provide a major technological superiority for navies operating the system.

Developed in collaboration with French companies Saft, CEA Tech and EDF R&D, LIBRT provides conventional submarines with outstanding operational capabilities, as well as with largely optimised immersion period and reloading time.

This cutting-edge technology, which significantly increases the submarines’ submerged endurance and improves its stealth,  offers twice more available energy while significantly reducing the reloading time.

Naval Group’s Senior Executive Vice-President, Mr lain Guillou, said the system offers valuable operational advantages that provide submarines with a real technological superiority compared to current generations.

“The successful development of the LIBRT Li-ion batteries systems is a huge technological stride for the new generation of submarines developed by Naval Group,” Mr Guillou continued.

“It provides utmost security guarantees as well as operational and technological superiority to all our clients worldwide.”

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