ReadyFundGo to launch innovative crowdfunding project – Aussie Food to You

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Australian entrepreneurs are lagging behind their US counterparts when it comes to embracing crowdfunding as an alternative way of raising funds to launch their companies and ideas.

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However, Ms Jill Storey, the new CEO at ReadyFundGo, says things are moving in the right direction.

ReadyFundGo is a reward-based crowdfunding platform that can best be described as Australia’s “Kickstarter”. Founded by Ms Storey in 2012, it works with innovators, entrepreneurs and disruptors who are “making a difference” for a better Australia.

Ms Storey says ReadyFundGo is preparing to roll out several new projects that could have disruptive effects in their respective fields of interest.

“We have some amazing projects coming on board at ReadyFundGo that have the potential to create sustainable change for the nation,” she says.

“We have the official launch this week on November 9 at Parliament House of the campaign Aussie Food To You.”

Aussie Food to You is a new Aussie business start-up, founded by Victorian country boy Peter Askew. The business aims to create an excellent home-delivery service whilst at the same time helping farmers and putting profits back into rural communities.

The idea is to enable customers to order fresh ingredients, such as meet, directly from farmers to their doors, with no middle men, no supermarkets and only the highest quality produce.

In doing so, up to 80% of the profit will end up back into farmers’ pockets who will then be able to knock back the advances of foreign investors who are buying up Australian farm land.

“Imagine you are having friends round for supper how much better will it be if you can arrange for fresh ingredients to be delivered to your door that evening at a certain time,” it says in the project description.

“Not only will the meats you select have more flavour and be of better value than the equivalent cut from the supermarket, but you will also be able to let your friends know exactly which farm your eye fillets come from and know if the cows have been grass-fed.”

A contribution from AU $ 50 to AU $ 1,000 means that the contributor is just pre-purchasing premium meat to enable the initiative get off the ground.

A payment by credit card is not charged until the campaign hits its target.

To learn more about the project, please go to: