Tasmanian businesses urged to apply for plastics recycling grants

Image credit: R_Yosha/stock.adobe.com

The Tasmanian government is urging local businesses to apply for the Federal Government’s $60 million Recycling Modernisation Fund Plastics Technology Stream. 

Minister for Environment and Climate Change Roger Jaensch said eligible businesses need to focus on hard-to-recycle plastics and take advantage of the national funding program. 

The grant program is open to eligible projects for new infrastructure, technology, processes, machinery or equipment, an improvement or expansion of existing infrastructure or commercialisation, or scaling up to build or increase existing capacity. 

Minister Jaensch commended the Waste and Resource Recovery Board for up to $1.2 million in funding from landfill levy to support eligible applications from Tasmanian businesses for the current grant round. 

“The Rockliff Liberal Government is committed to reducing the volume of waste that ends up in landfill and growing Tasmania’s circular economy – this is a good example of how the landfill levy can help achieve that goal,” Minister Jaensch said. “We are also investing in the delivery of Organics Waste Processing, recycling of end-of-life tyres and roll-out of Tasmania’s container refund scheme, Recycle Rewards,” 

The initiatives are part of the Tasmanian government’s efforts to reduce the volume of waste entering landfill and the environment while generating new businesses and jobs for Tasmanians. 

The initial application process for Tasmanian projects will be administrated by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) Tasmania. 

Local businesses interested in applying for the Recycling Modernisation Fund Plastics Technology Stream program may visit NRE’s website