Ai Group Defence Council: Australian defence industry ready to take on Naval Shipbuilding Plan challenge

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The Ai Group Defence Council is convinced that the Australian industry has both the capability and the capacity to meet the Naval Shipbuilding Plan challenge.

The Council has called for ‘greater recognition’ of these local capabilities, as well as a more considered debate focussing on a national approach to further building that capability and delivering outcomes.

Ai Group’s Chief Executive, Innes Willox, said the country’s industry was committed to delivering defence capability on time and on budget, by utilising local capabilities and local workforce to the fullest possible extent.

“We need all levels of Government, Defence and industry working together to successfully deliver these critical capabilities, using existing skills and creating new high-end jobs and opportunities across the country,” Mr Willox said.

“There has been significant debate over State-based issues and the percentage of Australian industry content. We must take a national view of the Naval Shipbuilding Plan and the best way to incorporate Australian industry into supply chains. Focusing on local content percentages at too early a stage will not get the best results for Defence, industry, the workforce or taxpayers.”

“The critical issue is for Defence to take a thorough and comprehensive view of Australia’s capability and industrial goals and objectives and match them to our competitive industrial and workforce capabilities now and as they develop over the shipbuilding program, which will last for decades.”

He said the continuous shipbuilding plan presented a ‘once-in-a-generation opportunity’ for the Commonwealth to require the winning tenderers to transfer technology, create in-country capability and design expertise that will deliver and economic benefits for decades to come.

“These are the critical areas of focus for Australian industry. Once Australian involvement is agreed across systems, platforms and time, it should be rigorously enforced and industry will deliver,” Mr Willox continued.

“We should take confidence in the fact that Australian industry already has significant runs on the board across successful Defence programs and innovations, including exporting to the world. Australian industry was successful in the ANZAC shipbuilding program and we can do it again. Recent results in the Air Warfare Destroyer program and sustainment of the Collins Class submarine demonstrate we can perform and deliver competitive results, particularly where there is program continuity.”

“The Naval Shipbuilding Plan is too important to be derailed by simplistic approaches. Australian industry stands ready to deliver these capabilities which are so vital to our national and economic security.”

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