Queensland documentary celebrates women in manufacturing

Image credit: Jeson/stock.adobe.com

A Queensland-produced documentary series titled, “She Made It,” is spotlighting women in the male-dominated manufacturing sector of the state.

The series, which premiered at the Elizabeth Street cinema on 7 March, delves into the lives of women from 10 diverse manufacturing businesses across Queensland.

Through their personal journeys, the series aims to challenge stereotypes and inspire greater gender equality within the industry, the government said in a media release.

By shedding light on the myriad opportunities available, the documentary hopes to attract more women to manufacturing, a challenge given the state’s significant pipeline of manufacturing work and the persistent skills shortages.

This initiative is part of the Women in Manufacturing Strategy, a bold vision unveiled by the Queensland Government on International Women’s Day last year.

The strategy aims to foster an environment where women are encouraged to pursue technical and factory floor roles, traditionally dominated by men, thereby diversifying the industry’s workforce.

Minister for Manufacturing Glenn Butcher expressed the significance of the Women in Manufacturing Strategy, highlighting the valuable contributions women bring to the sector.

“We know women are underrepresented in this traditionally male dominated sector so we are implementing our plan to attract and retain more women in manufacturing because we know the industry is better off for it,” Butcher noted.

Pixelframe, a Brisbane-based production house, has spearheaded this project on behalf of the Queensland Government.

From conception to execution, the series took approximately six months to materialize, showcasing the dedication and passion invested in this endeavor.

Pixelframe producers, Caitlin Johnston and Lucas Thyer, reflected on the project’s journey, noting the diversity and multitude of opportunities within the manufacturing industry.

“This project is testament to Queensland’s inclusive manufacturing industry and to the resilience and strength of Queensland’s women in the industry,” the producers stated.