ARENA announces new Chief Executive Officer

Image Credit: Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has announced the appointment of Mr Darren Miller as its new Chief Executive Officer.

A Chartered Accountant with a Bachelor of Commerce (Hons), Mr Miller was co-founder and CEO of innovative electricity retailer Mojo Power from 2015 until July 2018.

He was previously the Director of Asset Finance at Sungevity Australia in 2014, and co-founder and CEO of technology and services company Sumwise from 2007 to 2013.

Prior to co-founding Sumwise, Mr Miller held roles as investment manager for Publish and Broadcasting Limited (PBL) and Consolidated Press Holdings (CPH) from 1999 until 2006.

Commenting on the appointment, ARENA Chair, Martijn Wilder AM said Mr Miller brings to the table a wealth of experience across renewable energy, electricity retail and a range of other sectors.

“Mr Miller is a respected leader in the renewable energy and electricity sector with experience working with innovative technology companies, start ups and in investment advisory roles so is ideally placed to lead ARENA as we support Australia’s energy transition,” Mr Wilder said.

“We look forward to working with Mr Miller as ARENA continues to support the transition of the energy sector in the context of local and international economies that are becoming increasingly focused on low emissions energy.”

He also thanked ARENA’s inaugural CEO, Mr Ivor Frischknecht, on his invaluable contribution during his six-years at the helm.

“Through his time at ARENA, Ivor shared his entrepreneurial insight and deep understanding of the clean energy sector and how to drive its transformation,” Mr Wilder continued.

“On a personal level, Ivor was also a pleasure and delight to work with and we wish him all the success for his future endeavours.”

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