Coles introduces recyclable paper bag packaging for Mandarins

Image credit: Coles Group

As the colder months approach and mandarins become a seasonal favourite, Coles has made a sustainable switch by replacing plastic net bags with 100 per cent recyclable paper packaging for its Unique Selection mandarins.

The environmentally friendly packaging initiative is projected to eliminate the use of 11,700 kilograms of plastic annually and can be easily recycled through curbside collection programs, the company said in a news release.

Anticipating sales of over one million paper bags from April to October, Coles General Manager Fresh Produce Charlotte Gilbert emphasised the retailer’s commitment to waste reduction and enhancing recycling accessibility for customers.

“We know how much our customers love mandarins at this time of year, so we’re pleased to be able to offer them in a new paper bag that can be put in your recycling bin once you’ve had a chance to enjoy them,” stated Charlotte.

While loose mandarins, including the popular Imperial and Afourer varieties, remain available for purchase, with an estimated sale of over 16 million tonnes expected across Coles stores this season.

Rebecca Gilling, CEO of Planet Ark, commended Coles for its efforts in combatting food and packaging waste by introducing a recyclable alternative to traditional plastic net bags.

“It’s very positive to see Coles designing packaging to avoid plastic waste and provide Aussies with a recyclable alternative to a plastic net bag,” said Gilling.

She continued, “While we support buying loose and reusing bags where possible, we commend Coles for its work to close the recycling loop and provide customers with products that can be easily recycled.”

According to Coles, the newly introduced mandarins packaged in recyclable paper bags (800g) are accessible across all states and territories except Western Australia, with prices starting from $5.50.