Construction is currently underway on the $120 million teaching and research centre at the former Mitsubishi site at Tonsley, in South Australia.

Manufacturing, Innovation and Trade Minister, Tom Kenyon believes the new development would bring 2000 students and 150 staff to the advanced manufacturing hub at Tonsley.
Mr Kenyon revealed Flinders University’s commitment to world-class teaching and research confirms that Tonsley is open for business
“Tonsley will help transform South Australia’s manufacturing sector and build world-class industry capabilities as part of the State Government’s manufacturing strategy, Manufacturing Works.
“A high-value and innovative manufacturing hub in Adelaide’s south will pay dividends for the whole state and having some of the best and brightest Flinders University researchers and students at Tonsley will help attract other high-tech businesses to the redevelopment.
“The new centre will house the School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics; Medical Device Research Institute; Centre for NanoScale Science and Technology and the New Venture Institute.
“Flinders University will provide opportunities for private investment in new technologies at Tonsley and there will also be opportunities for other retail businesses like cafes and restaurants,” Mr Kenyon said
Flinders University Vice Chancellor, Michael Barber said the new project highlighted the vision of Tonsley and the university.
“This will be a place where students can interact with business and business with researchers to help make the new products and processes of the 21st century,” Professor Barber said.