Victorian Government announces $1m in funding for Central Victorian Advanced Manufacturing alliance

Image Credit: Victoria State Government

The Bendigo Manufacturing Group, La Trobe University and the City of Greater Bendigo have entered into a ground-breaking partnership that will create opportunities for advanced manufacturing businesses and workers in central Victoria.

The Central Victorian Advanced Manufacturing alliance, which received $1 million in funding from the Victorian Government, will help businesses to digitally transform their operating models, increase global competitiveness, attract investment, and advance local workforce skills by capitalising on the region’s diverse talent pool.

Minister for Industry Support and Recovery Martin Pakula said the initiative would deliver up to 100 high-value jobs in the greater Bendigo region.

“This initiative will increase manufacturing productivity, investment and jobs in central Victoria,” the Mr Pakula continued.

“It will ensure manufacturing can grow, new markets can be accessed and the skills base of the workforce across the greater Bendigo region can continue to expand. It is a significant investment that will reap sustained reward.”

Bendigo Manufacturing Group representative Adam Hazeldene said the alliance had been working with the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering in Kaiserslautern over the past three years to develop the model for application in central Victoria, to guide projects in the defence, aviation, waste, food and engineering sectors.

“The CVAM initiative will give our local manufacturing sector the tools it needs to be globally competitive,” Mr Hazeldene concluded.

Image Credit: Victoria State Government