Chemistry Australia welcomes United Nations resolution to end plastic pollution

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Media Release by Chemistry Australia

Chemistry Australia and its members welcome the resolution by the United Nations Environment Assembly to develop an international, legally binding treaty focused on ending plastic pollution.

Chemistry Australia agrees with world leaders that plastic products provide significant benefits to people, the economy, and the environment. But at the end of their useful life, plastic products need to be recovered and recycled, not simply wasted and left to end up in our oceans to harm our wildlife and eco-systems.

The resolution to develop an international treaty provides the opportunity for all stakeholders to further strengthen and better coordinate the important work already in place to better manage plastic materials and products.

The current transition from a linear to an Australian plastic circular economy is a priority area of work for our members and partners to help prevent pollution and increase recycling.

These are part of our industry’s commitment to Australia’s National Plastics Plan that is coordinating all elements needed for the responsible use of this important material.

We are also committed to working with our partner, Tangaroa Blue Foundation, as part of Operation Clean Sweep®, which targets the elimination of plastic pellet, flake, recycled chip and powder loss from the plastics value chain.

Our members are leading the way with new investments to increase mechanical recycling and introduce advanced recycling to recover more products at their end of life. These technologies convert used plastics into high value materials for new products with recycled content.

Increasingly, designing for circularity will play a key role so that all stakeholders are able to make informed decisions that deliver better outcomes.

Chemistry Australia looks forward to supporting government efforts as the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee commences its important work of developing the treaty over coming months.

The industry looks forward to playing its role to end plastic pollution.