Lion will not shut down iconic XXXX Brewery


Leading beverage and food company Lion Beer Australia – the largest brewer in Australia – has categorically denied rumours that it will close the iconic XXXX Brewery in Milton.

The company released a statement in which it claims that these rumours are false and that it actually plans to open five additional positions at the brewery in Queensland.

“These recent claims are false; we are actually hiring five more permanent people right now. There are no job losses or changes,” it says in the statement.

“In fact, there will be pay offers on the table – on top of the best pay and work conditions in brewing in Queensland. We simply want the ability to bring on additional people in Summer when we brew more beer. This is how every other seasonal manufacturer operates, but our current agreement is confusing and prohibitive.”

The statement was released as a result of public comments made by Union Voice coordinator Damien Davie.

Mr Davie reportedly made claims that Lion management notified staff last month that the brewery would be closing.

The company’s statement was released in order to dispel these claims.

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