Led by Monash University and the Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association (PACIA), the new Chemicals and Plastics Manufacturing Innovation Network and Training Program will see the best minds in academic research join forces with government and industry to boost innovation in the Australian chemistry industry.

The new initiative – supported with an initial investment of $5.9 million – is set to create global market opportunities, increase collaboration, enhance manufacturing, and deliver a new generation of industry professionals.
“The Australian chemistry industry is the second largest manufacturing sector in Australia and this exciting new initiative will act as a catalyst for new opportunities in global investment, innovation, productivity, job creation and economic growth,” said Victorian Minister for Industry, and Minster for Energy and Resources the Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MP at the launching of the program.
“Many of the participating companies intend to build a deeper partnership with the University. For example, stemming through their participation in this program, PerkinElmer has setup the PerkinElmer Flagship Facility at Monash in the new Green Chemical Futures building, whilst Axieo has established the Axieo Centre for Innovation at Monash. To sum it up, we see this network as a foundation for driving the innovation edge for Australia in the chemicals space, leveraging our national strengths in education and research. It is all about having global impact where it counts and together, we are future proofing the trajectory for growth,” added Joseph Lawrence, Director of Industry Partnerships at Monash University.
According to the official media release, the partnership already has more than 20 industry participants including: BASF, Procter & Gamble, 3M, Axieo, Nufarm, Dulux Group, PPG Industries, Agilent Technologies, AquaHydrex, PerkinElmer, PPG, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Australasian Industrial Research Group (AIRG), EPA Victoria, the national industry association for the Australasian hygiene, cosmetic and specialty products industry (ACCORD), SEMMA (South East Melbourne Manufacturing Alliance), SEMIP (South East Melbourne Innovation Precinct), the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), STC (Small Technologies Cluster) and KPMG.
“Collaborative innovation in science and industry is key to driving manufacturing growth, improving products and processes and contributing to sustainable economic growth into the future,” concluded PACIA CEO Samantha Read.
The initiative is supported by the Victorian Government Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.