SOCO’s ‘Modern ERP for Manufacturers’ conference to feature business transformation expert

Charging into the Future: Modern ERP for Manufacturers

SOCO welcomes the Association of Manufacturing Excellence as one of its guest speakers for the upcoming event “Charging into the Future: Modern ERP for Manufacturers,” which will be held on 8 March. 

Business leaders and entrepreneurs who seek to learn about the ever-evolving operational landscape of the Australian manufacturing sector are urged to attend the event, which seeks to offer access to a wide range of digital solutions designed to help them overcome growth barriers. 

AME President Tim Odokeychuk will speak at the event to tackle business operational challenges and technology trends impacting the manufacturing industry. 

An expert in business transformation, Odokeychuk is equipped with experience in leading post-acquisition transformation teams within a multi-billion-dollar building products manufacturer. 

In the past, Odokeychuk had leveraged strategies such as Lean principles, combined with enterprise resource planning solutions integrated across plant technologies in order to reduce burden, waste, and variability across entire value chains, enabling further acquisitions and sustainable growth, even during periods of recession. 

Odokeychuk currently represents the Association of Manufacturing Excellence (Australia), where he leads to curate learning and development and networking opportunities to inspire its network of local and international members to share, learn, and grow along their pathways towards success. 

SOCO’s in-person event will also discuss how to leverage Microsoft technologies to streamline business processes, drive improved business performance with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, and how manufacturers can select the right ERP system and solution provider tailored to their business. 

In addition to the AME President, the “Charging into the Future: Modern ERP for Manufacturers” event will also feature a roster of experts in the industry including Adam Smith, General Manager for Cloud SAAS at Ingram Micro; Priscilla Liew, Practice Manager for Business Central at SOCO; Steven Evans, Principal Consultant for Business Central at SOCO; Chris Stokes, General Manager for operations at SOCO; and James Buzzard, Partner CTO & Strategist at Microsoft.  

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