Two new MBAs for engineers at Chifley Business School at Torrens University Australia


Torrens University Australia has announced that it has launched two brand new Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses “uniquely tailored” for engineers.

Image credit: Torrens University Facebook page
Image credit: Torrens University Facebook page

The new courses are being delivered at the University’s postgraduate Business arm – Chifley Business School at Torrens University Australia.

“Students of the new Chifley Business School at Torrens University Australia will benefit from the combined strength, innovative approach and resources of both institutions, as well as having the opportunity to leverage what is a formidable powerhouse of joint industry and professional connections of Laureate International Universities spanning 28 countries,” the University said in a media release to Australian Manufacturing.

“For professionals working in all fields of Engineering – from aeronautical to civil, environmental to chemical, mechanical to agricultural – the new MBAs are designed to provide the Business know-how and skills that go beyond technical capability.”

According to the media release, both the MBA and MBA (Advanced) include the option to specialise in Technology Management or Project Management and have a practical and interdisciplinary focus, including teamwork, sound and ethical decision making, and strategic planning.

“Modern workplaces call for skills that go beyond technical capability. Our courses are designed in partnership with industry leaders, enabling students to overlay their existing professional knowledge and skills with business management expertise – broadening their capabilities and helping facilitate career progression,” said Professor Justin Beilby, Vice Chancellor, Torrens University Australia.

“To seamlessly fit study into busy lives, all MBA students can take advantage of a flexible study structure, multiple entry points throughout the year, a technology-enriched learning environment and the opportunity to connect with both Chifley’s network of 10,000 alumni and Laureate International Universities’ Business students and professionals around the globe,” added Professor Beilby.

Chris Walton, CEO, Professionals Australia welcomed the new MBAs and the exclusive fees offer for members of Professionals Australia.

“We are pleased members of Professionals Australia have access to the MBAs that are being delivered by Chifley Business School at Torrens University Australia. With Torrens University being part of the Laureate International Universities, members can now obtain a world class MBA. With over 10,000 alumni, members who take up this offer will be joining many others who have progressed their careers and achieved the recognition they deserve by gaining a MBA,” said Mr Waton.

“Even if you’re not sure about doing a full MBA, many members have completed one or two units that are important for their continued professional development, and then chosen to carry on to obtain a qualification,” Mr Walton added.

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