Valence Industries Limited has announced that the recommissioning of its Uley Graphite manufacturing facilities near Port Lincoln in South Australia is progressing as planned, with first production expected to commence by the end of March 2014, ahead of schedule.

According to the ASX announcement by Valence Industries, all key pieces of equipment required for the internal processing circuit are either refurbished, installed, delivered or scheduled to arrive at site in line with the company’s plans.
“Our program of immediate production allows us to move rapidly to Sales Agreement to meet customer demand for our high quality graphite. Valence Industries has proven graphite production, proven graphite products and direct relationships with graphite customers. Valence will commence graphite deliveries in 2nd Quarter 2014. This sets us apart,” said Christopher Darby, CEO and Managing Director of Valence Industries Limited.
“Graphite marketing requires direct relationships with customers to understand their individual needs and provide product to their exact specifications. Signing generic offtake agreements is not very relevant for graphite sales into high value markets, and means little where it is not backed up by proven graphite production. Valence Industries is moving into immediate production of a range of graphite products coordinated with our active direct customer engagement programs,” he said.
The company also announced that the recommissioning of the primary processing circuit is in advanced stages and is being readied for deployment. At site the installation area is being prepared for delivery with the deconstruction of obsolete elements and the sale of the resulting scrap metal.
The integration of the new primary crushing plant with the internal processing circuit will see Valence Industries move into the production of advanced material and will allow for increasing quantity of graphite to be readied for delivery.
At the same time as the extensive work being performed on the physical installation at the Uley Graphite site, the Company is moving forward with its related development activities, including recruitment and training of operational personnel to meet its regional job and production targets, extended geology and mine development programs across its existing Mining Licenses, tertiary metallurgy programs for graphite process and product optimization for advanced graphite manufacturing and the Feasibility Study for the new Phase II, 60,000 tpa graphite manufacturing facilities.