“There’s a big future for Australian manufacturing under this Government” Kevin Rudd


He’s back! Kevin Rudd has stepped back in as the Prime Minister of Australia, after winning the Labor leadership in a ballot against the now former prime minister Julia Gillard.

Kevin Rudd. Image: http://www.facebook.com/KevinRuddMP
Kevin Rudd. Image: http://www.facebook.com/KevinRuddMP

And, Australia could be heading to the polls ”within weeks”, Resources Minister Gary Gray has revealed this morning.

But, what does it all mean for Australian business, in particular Manufacturing and Resources?

Ai Group Chief Executive, Innes Willox, believes the major priority for any government should be to boost productivity and reduce costs and regulation for business.

“Any government faces some significant challenges and industry is looking for new directions on a number of fronts particularly around workplace relations, carbon, immigration, skills, infrastructure and Research and Development,” he said.

Mr Rudd has assured the nation that business is at the forefront of his priority and making things is an essential aspect for Australia’s economy.

“I’ve never changed my script or my belief. I never want to be Prime Minister of a country that doesn’t make things anymore. There’s a big future for Australian manufacturing under this Government,” Kevin Rudd.

In a statement last night, Kevin Rudd insisted diversification is fundamental to the economy.

“In recent times, I’ve been thinking a lot about the state of the global economy. There are a lot of bad things happening out there. The global economy is still experiencing the slowest of recoveries. The China resources boom is over. China itself, domestically shows signs of recovery and when China represents such a large slice of our own economy, our jobs and our own opportunities for raising our living standards. The time has come for us to adjust to the new challenges. New challenges in productivity. New challenges also in the diversification of our economy. New opportunities for what we do with processed foods and agriculture, in the services sector and also in manufacturing,” Kevin Rudd.

With the nation’s debt approaching $300 billion though, Tony Abbott believes that while  Labor’s “faceless men” have changed leader yet again, they are still deeply divided and dysfunctional.

“In 2013 if you vote Labor, who knows who or what you will get next?  But one thing is for sure, whatever the faceless men do, it won’t be your choice. The Coalition will get Labor’s record debt, now approaching $300 billion, under control. Labor’s Carbon Tax, going up next week, will be scrapped; the boats will be stopped; small business will be assisted, and you will get a truly united and well managed government,” Tony Abbott.