Victorian government invests in study for grain supply chain modernisation

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The SouthWest Victoria Alliance is spearheading the Western Victoria Grain Industry Supply Chain Study, a project that will help modernize the grain supply chain in the state. 

In a visit to Portland on Tuesday, Minister for Ports and Freight Melissa Horne announced a $125,000 investment for the study, which seeks to identify changes to production and the volume of grain likely to be harvested and transported over the next 25 years. 

The SouthWest Victoria Alliance has collaborated with the local government and industry, as well as the Department of Transport for the $250,000 study. 

“We know how important the grain industry is, which is why we’re investing in this study to keep the grain supply chain moving – not only now, but well into the future,” said Horne. 

“The study will prove vital in developing a safer and stronger road and rail freight network, delivering long-term freight efficiencies and benefits to the industry.”

The study will map and examine existing grain silos and identify optimal locations for new ones, along with sites that could benefit from new intermodal hubs. 

The latest project is built upon the success of the Dairy Supply Chain Study conducted in 2018, which generated valuable data and insight that would help address the future needs of Victoria’s road and rail freight network. 

The Labor government’s investment was made through the Flexible Local Transport Solution program, which supports evidence-based transport and freight studies aimed at creating a more efficient movement of freight at local levels. 

With a collaboration with local governments in the region, Great South Coast, Wimmera Southern Mallee, and Central Highland Regional partnerships will provide the other half of the funding needed for the project. 

“Our investment in this study will deliver long-term freight efficiencies and benefits for the industry,” said Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney.