Bosch Australia steps up commitment to eliminate homelessness on Melbourne streets

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Last night, Bosch Australia hosted their fifth consecutive community sleep-out and awareness campaign aimed at encouraging employees to participate, volunteer, or donate funds to prevent homelessness.

As part of the campaign, fifty Bosch employees – including Bosch Australia President, Gavin Smith – slept outside the Clayton headquarters on a piece of cardboard to experience first-hand a cold Melbourne winter night without a home to go to.

Homelessness is a key community impact theme for Bosch Australia and its employees have raised $100,000 for St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria over the past 5 years.

The company has been a Community Champion partner of Vinnies for three years and all monies raised are donated to support their Melbourne soup vans.

St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria CEO, Ms Sue Cattermole, has thanked Bosch Australia for their dedication to supporting Australia’s homeless.

“Bosch Australia is one of our most enthusiastic corporate community champions. This donation will help support the Vinnies Soup Vans – a stalwart community service, which works silently and steadfastly to provide a place for social connection and essential food security,” Ms Cattermole said.

“With nourishing food and compassionate conversation, our volunteers help to improve or even save lives 365 days a year – rain, hail or shine.”

In addition to raising money, Bosch Australia has also donated 180 hours of time to volunteer at Soup Vans in 2017.

The company’s President, Gavin Smith, thanked employees, saying homelessness will remain a key corporate theme in the years to come.

“Each year, more employees participate with a record number of volunteers this year joining the awareness and sleep-out campaign,” Mr Smith concluded.

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