New milk powder plant opens at Tantanoola, SA


The Blue Lake Dairy Group (BLDG) officially opened its new processing plant at Tantanoola in the southeast of South Australia.

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Premier Jay Weatherill, who attended the official ceremony, said the opening of the plant was the first milestone in a two-stage expansion planned by the Chinese-owned company.

“We applaud the Blue Lake Dairy Group for its decision to invest in South Australia’s South East,” the Premier said.

“It’s a decision that is expected to provide significant economic benefit to the economy of Millicent, Tantanoola and surrounding districts.”

Blue Lake Dairy Group was formed in 2015, and its $65 million project at Tantanoola comprises two stages.

Stage one will enable the production of 20,000 tonnes of infant and adult formula, using powdered milk, while stage two is expected to involve a new $50 million factory to convert milk into powder and create an additional 90 jobs.

Mr Weatherill said the company’s investment demonstrated that SA’s regions have an abundance of unique, premium products and many opportunities for foreign investment.

“This is particularly the case in the South East which continues to play a big role in driving our State’s economy, contributing $3.6 billion in gross regional product in industries such as forestry, beef and dairy cattle, lucerne seed production and rock lobsters,” he concluded.

BLDG Managing Director Wang Xin Xiang said the Group was pleased to invest in the state and appreciates the assistance of the State Government in providing guidance regarding the approval processes for its new powdered milk converting facility.

“The BLDG are looking forward to continuing their investment in South Australia and in their milk processing facility with the approval process for Stage 2 of the BLDG project, a new milk drying facility, expected to commence in coming months,” Mr Xiang added.

“We thank Premier Weatherill for his support for our project and for officially opening our new powdered milk processing facility.”