Talga delivers first value-added graphene product

Image credit: Talga Resources ASX release

Industrial minerals company Talga Resources announced that it has produced and delivered its first value-added graphene based product.

Image credit: Talga Resources ASX release
Image credit: Talga Resources ASX release

According to the company, the product – a metal pre-treatment coating – was delivered to a leading global coating company following the filing of a patent application over the Coating composition and production method.

“The Coating is the first of a range of targeted value added products that Talga is developing and looking to commercialise,” Talga told the ASX.

“The global coatings company assessing the Coating will undertake accelerated application and performance trials over coming months.”

The company’s Coating is simultaneously being tested at research institutions in the UK and India, where scientific peer review analysis and publication of the results will be conducted.

“Pending the outcome of the industry and academic Coating test work, the Company will, in addition to existing raw material initiatives, pursue commercial opportunities including licensing and royalty arrangements with third parties.”

Talga said its patent application over the Coating composition and manufacturing method allows it to enter into formal metal pre-treatment knowledge sharing undertakings and expands the company’s intellectual property.

Managing Director Mark Thompson said the company has also moved to globally trademark ‘Talphene’ and ‘Talphite’ as its respective brands for industrial scale graphene and micro-graphite products.

According to him, the two products will form the marketing platform for Talga’s products manufactured via its unique production technology.

“This milestone is the first step to open up numerous growth opportunities in valuable industrial scale markets for graphene products,” commented Mr Thompson.

“We have now demonstrated our capability in producing the first of what will be a range of targeted, value-added products to complement Talga’s raw material manufacturing. This supports our strategy to broaden the range of future revenue options and provides opportunities to pursue licensing and royalties associated with the products themselves, as well as the processes adopted to manufacture the compositions.”